This is a photo I shouldn’t have been able to shoot. For scale, it’s about a hundred feet long. Deep, murky and intensely turbulent water raced past, just downstream from wide open floodgates of Lake Texoma’s dam. Only a flimsy chain-link fence here and a few easily penetrable bars there held back throngs of sightseers, some of whom stupidly dared to sit atop the bars and above this raging torrent. The result would have been unsurvivable for any of the beer-swilling revelers who might have lost their balance and fallen in, with crowd control practically nonexistent. As it was, I felt uneasy behind the bars and on firm ground, with only the camera lens poking through, because that ground was rumbling noticeably.
2 S Cartwright OK (8 Jul 7) Looking SSW
33.8194, -96.5687