For years I had wondered how one of those magnificently sharply textured, scuddy underbellies of an outflow-dominant High Plains supercell would present itself from the west, in sunset rays. Here’s one answer. The unfiltered shaft of last direct sunlight brightly spotlit the rightmost parts of the base while rain-filtered light, through a series of showers forming behind me, softly tinted the rest of the base in more subtle shades. The storm was gusting out, producing hurricane-force winds near Lake Tanglewood at about this time, following quite a show of wind, hail and wall clouds around Amarillo. What was left of the supercell would merge with other storms forming nearby in the twilight hour, yielding an electrically active storm complex to the southeast.
2 NNE Canyon TX (8 Jun 17) Looking ESE
35.0141, -101.9163