Solar-Powered Wind Power
One of the facets of storm observing that I treasure most is the mystery of where the wind will deposit me at the end of the chase day. Even with a good forecast, one only can guess the part of a state or region where the trip will finish, and even then, special surprises often await. On this day, after a photographically bountiful jaunt through the Permian Basin and Big Country, the breezes deposited us here, on a highway spur outside Roscoe, with part of Texas’ largest wind farm smack between my camera lens and the setting sun. How symbolic and fitting! That same wind, ultimately powered by solar energy, in turn whirls those blades. This array generates 781.5MW of electricity, thereby harnessing just a little of what singer Tracy Lawrence once dubbed “the wild west Texas wind.”
1 SW Roscoe TX (23 Apr 8) Looking W
32.4362, -100.553