On the outskirts of Genoa (Colorado, not Italy) resided a novelty and antique shop that claimed a view of six states from atop its observation tower. The friendly, eccentric old gentleman who ran the place, Jerry Chubbuck, was glad to give us storm observers the grand tour as we waited for one of two supercells—one to the northwest (shown here), and another one to the west, to become dominant and reorganize. Jerry had a collection of glass insulators on the roof; I warned him that they might be battered and shattered soon from the severe weather moving this way. He didn’t seem too fazed, since he already had lost many hundreds of others the same way through the years. Unfortunately he died a few years later, in August 2013, and this property (already a couple decades past its prime as a tourist trap) has been abandoned to accelerating elements of decay. A somewhat later view of the western storm is found in the Wall Cloud Wall.
Genoa CO (11 Jun 10) Looking NW
39.2745, -103.5093