In the conterminous U.S., a scene of this nature only can be shot from one place: Puget Sound, looking across the sound and the Olympic Mountains of Washington. [Mountain sunsets from below sea level are possible at Death Valley, but not with permanent water in the foreground; all other bodies of water adjoining mountains to their east are well above sea level.] Breaks in an altostratus deck permitted slivers of sunshine through the otherwise drab sky, with reflections off waters rippled by a gentle breeze. This calm and soothing scene belies a frenzied event happening behind me, whereby hundreds of (mostly) young Pokemon hunters had assembled in the marina area, groups of them running this way and that while fixated with their phones, to collect mythical creatures that would “appear” based on their location. Hey, it is the Seattle area!
Des Moines WA (29 Aug 16) Looking WNW
47.4021, -122.344