[Part 3 of 4] In its upper reaches, this flash’s invisible step leader rambled wildly, in a chaotic contortion of loops and branches, before two main splits headed erratically downward, destined to be illuminated when one won the race to the ground charge. In this case, however, the finish was a tie. Both branches of the same discharge got grounded, but one (on the left) was markedly brighter, with a similar extent of intervening rain, indicating that trunk carried a lot more current than the right one. One only can speculate as to why. Regardless, the combined blast sent a deeply reverberating report of thunder for many miles across the countryside, surely arousing a few folks from restful slumber at 4:30 a.m. [NEXT]
4 SSW Dibble OK (28 Aug 19) Looking SSW
34.9724, -97.6409