As of when I’m posting this page in early March 2022, this week marks the 150th anniversary of Yellowstone National Park, signed into official recognition with the quill pen of President U.S. Grant. Yellowstone was the first national park in the United States, and in the world. The park is so vast in size and variety that no one scene adequately encapsulates its beauty and scope. Still, this geothermally steamy sunrise along a tributary of the Firehole River comes to mind often for me, even amidst the many other astounding scenes — from the spectacular colors of Grand Prismatic Spring and other chromatic pools, to waterfalls, boiling-hot mudpots, crystal-blue Yellowstone Lake, impromptu visual effects in land and sky, the travertine slabs and colorful ledges of Mammoth Hot Springs, Old Faithful under a storm, other spouting geysers, fire-struck fallen logs, or the underwater cross of Cistern Spring, and other wonders yet to appear here.
Yellowstone National Park WY (19 Sep 13) Looking NNW
44.5508, -110.8086