A refreshingly cool fog moved inland from Lake Superior, flowing effortlessly through the adjoining boreal forest of northern Ontario. The immersive sensation of being hidden out in the open, already powerful in a relatively remote place, magnified inside the fog, the only sound being the lapping of waves against the sand. For a short spell prior, even the gentle surf couldn’t be seen anymore unless standing within it. For just a little while, I could take a deep, moist breath, stretch, and bask the soul in the solace of solitude. Moments like this not only soothe away any and all irritation, they cleanse the scatterbrained detritus of cluttered thought, tidily organizing what’s left into a pure and powerful focus on nothing but here-and-now. Such experiences, wherever they may be, are well worth seeking and finding.
3 NW Michipicoten, ON, Canada (15 Jul 7) Looking SE
47.9543, -84.8538