Withstanding the Wyoming wind for decades, this abandoned barn and its attached tool shed somehow still appear on satellite imagery ten years later. That’s the mark of good craftsmanship by the homesteader who built it many decades ago. Having intercepted a tornado-producing supercell earlier near Chugwater, and barely dodging huge, damaging hailstones, we came upon this scene rather tired. It appeared compelling, at once delightful and mournful in the tonally warming “magic hour” of late afternoon, as soft clouds wafted quickly across the sky beyond, enriching the texture of the scene. Those clouds were a mix of cumulus, stratocumulus and fractocumulus, signaling the upslope arrival of a moist but more-stable air mass than what fueled the supercell over an hour before.
1 NE Burns WY (20 Jun 10) Looking ENE
41.1973, -104.3492